Olvitt, Lausanne L. African Journals Online; 2014. Editorial.
Hits: 222
Visitors: 246
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Taylor and Francis; 2017. Education in the Anthropocene: Ethico-moral dimensions and critical realist openings.
Hits: 258
Visitors: 277
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Environmental Education Association of South Africa; 2003. Revised Schools and Sustainability Pack offers Curriculum Support.
Hits: 220
Visitors: 233
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education; 2010. Ethics-oriented learning in environmental education workplaces: An activity theory approach.
Hits: 181
Visitors: 202
Downloads: 28
Olvitt, Lausanne L, Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Læssøe, Jeppe, Jordt Jørgensen, Nanna. Understanding Collective Learning and Human Agency in Diverse Social, Cultural and Material Settings. 2018.
Hits: 1583
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Olvitt, Lausanne L, Hamaamba, Tyson. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education; 2006. Identifying needs and opportunities for local government environmental education and training in South Africa.
Hits: 363
Visitors: 431
Downloads: 78
Masilela, Priscilla, Olvitt, Lausanne L. Taylor and Francis; 2020. Transforming environmental health practitioners’ knowledge-sharing practices through inter-agency formative intervention workshops.
Hits: 444
Visitors: 463
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education; 2022. Situating the diversity of Southern African environmental education scholarship within a global conversation at a critical juncture on Earth.
Hits: 222
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Gwedla, Nanamhla, Shackleton, Charlie, Olvitt, Lausanne L. Elsevier; 2022. Trees stocks in domestic gardens and willingness to participate in tree planting initiatives in low-cost housing areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Hits: 788
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Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Mohanoe, M Nthabiseng, Ramsarup, Preesha, Olvitt, Lausanne L. South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA); 2017. Boundary making and boundary crossing in learning pathways access and progression: Voices from the workplace.
Hits: 547
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Routledge; 2015. The emergence of environmental ethics discourses in laminated, open systems: Some educational considerations.
Hits: 132
Visitors: 132
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Routledge; 2013. Environmental ethics as processes of open-ended, pluralistic, deliberative enquiry.
Hits: 150
Visitors: 153
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Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Olvitt, Lausanne L. Springer; 2009. South Africa: Strengthening responses to sustainable development policy and legislation.
Hits: 220
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Springer; 2012. Ethical deliberations in environmental education workplaces: a case story of contextualised and personalised reflexivity.
Hits: 178
Visitors: 180
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Isaacs, Dorelle, Olvitt, Lausanne L. African Minds; 2021. An Exploration of what Grade 7 Natural Sciences Teachers Know, Believe and Say about Biodiversity and the Teaching of Biodiversity.
Hits: 204
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Jickling, Bob, Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Olvitt, Lausanne L, O’Donoghue, Rob B, Schudel, Ingrid J, McGarry, Dylan K, Niblett, Blair. African Sun Media; 2021. Environmental ethics: A sourcebook for educators.
Hits: 936
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Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Ellery, Karen, Olvitt, Lausanne L, Schudel, Ingrid J, O'Donoghue, Rob B. Cultivating a scholarly community of practice. 2010.
Hits: 2537
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Olvitt, Lausanne L. Ghent University; 2022. Planetary Urgency, Researcher Reflexivity and ESE Research: Questions Arising from an Initial Exploration of Goethean-inspired Phenomenology.
Hits: 145
Visitors: 148
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Ward-Smith, Chesney, Naidoo, Tony, Olvitt, Lausanne L, , Akhurst, Jacqueline E. Sage Publications; 2020. Perceived benefits of nature-based experiences as mediators of connectedness with nature: The case of Mystic Mountain.